I realize that blogs, facebook, twitter is probably not meant for prophetic word stuff… However I felt this was maybe useful to more than just me….


I know the way that you take, and when you come forth, you shall come forth as gold, yes as pure gold, having been tried by the fire. My eye is upon you in loving watchfulness, and My ear is open to your cry.

Be not over-charged with anxiety. I am thy burden-bearer. Be not anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow I shall be your supply. Praise Me NOW, and let your confidence in Me be seen and manifest. So shall the faith of others be encouraged, for your life is a witness to many.

I AM your portion: I will keep you in perfect peace. Because you have made the Most High your dwelling place, I shall deliver you from all trouble. I shall bless you and reward you, and reveal to you the greatness of My Salvation.