… a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:12

One strand of cord can easily be severed. Two strands of cord can be stretched and pulled until they split. But a threefold cord is not easily broken.

Scripture never tells us exactly what these three strands symbolize. But here are some ideas that I have found:

1. Ham, Shem, and Japheth. Family ties. Man had a serious rupture from Adam to Noah. But with his three sons to help him, Noah survived.

2. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Covenant relationship. naming these three and claiming the blessings that were given to them through covenant is the very basis of our faith.

3. The Law, the prophets, and the scriptures. These three make up the truth as revealed to Israel.

4. Spirit, Soul, and Body. All three of these must function in harmony in order for man to live life.

5. Husband, wife, and child. The basic family unit.

6. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Trinity. God Himself is a community of three.

7. ( your thoughts) I have left this one blank so you can send me your suggestions.