Blessed are you if you believe that what was spoken to you by the Lord would be fulfilled. (Luke 1:45)

God is faithful! The words, the promises, and the prophetic utterances are all true. God is a god who will fulfill every word and every promise. From the very beginning God desired to be “with”! Many people are still trying to believe that God is “for” them, when the fulness of God is that He wants to be “with” us.

That is the fulness of Christmas. He came to be “with” us! The birth, the life and death and resurrection is the manifestation of God’s desire. We are now celebrating the reality of God’s desire with man. To live in divine communion, to live in fellowship that is what it means to live in the fulness of Christmas.

Today we can live “with” Him. We can be conscious of Him. We can allow Him into every area of our lives. In fact we can go ahead and open the present early, because the present is His Presence. Emmanuel!

Blessed are you if you believe it….