G.K. Chesterton said, “The greatest of all illusions is the illusion of familiarity.”

Familiarity is then the death of respect, wonder and awe! When our hearts and minds are no longer poised for surprise and astonishment… we have lost our sense of child-like faith, without which we can no longer worship. Or for that matter perhaps that is why some never worship.

The illusion that we can control our lives and our destinies has led humanity to turn away from the very “mystery,” of knowing Him who formed us in His likeness and image.

I am expecting to be amazed by His “appearing.” He came to earth as a child, He comes to us as Spirit and He will come again in great Power. And I know that He has promised us that He manifest Himself to those who gather in His Name to worship and adore Him.

I realize that much of the western church has reduced Him to a law to be obeyed, when in fact He is a Presence to be embraced. And that Presence is manifested by the union and unity of His People who are focused on being “grateful.”

Familiarity…. thanks Him for granted. God forgive us!