“But be on your guard. Don’t let the sharp edge of your expectation get dulled by parties and drinking and shopping. Otherwise, that Day is going to take you by complete surprise, spring on you suddenly like a trap, ….” Luke 21:34

Jesus must be and must increasingly become the very focused center of my life. It is not enough for me to understand Jesus as the Son of God, the baby born in a manger or even the sacrificed Lamb, that takes away the sins of the world. It is not even enough for me to understand that He is my Friend and constant companion. Jesus must be my only desire, my only thought, my only longing. In a world that has taught me to multitask. The world has filled my every moment with sounds and images I must retake my soul with only Jesus.

I must not only speak of Jesus but allow Him to speak to me. I can no longer be satisfied with thinking about Jesus but I must allow Jesus to think in me. I don’t need to act for Jesus so much as allow Him to act through me. I need to see through His eyes.

Focus, that’s it I must focus on Jesus! I don’t need any more information or analysis of the situation, I simple need to be focused on Jesus. That is what Christmas does, it calls me to focus on the reality that the very “Word” of God became flesh. Jesus is the focus, the center of every living thing. The only thing that really matters. In fact matter matters because Jesus took on flesh.

So Focus…. “clear the mechanism” !!! See Jesus clearly! He is here!