God is love! 

God is always present! 

God knows everything! 

God is merciful! 

God is faithful! 

God never changes! 

God is all powerful! 

Go ahead start shouting God is ___________________!

Go on … lose yourself in who God is! Say it, shout it over and over again. It’s really OK to be repetitious! Mutter, ramble, go on and on! 

Get captivated by His Majesty! 

I continually desire to experience His presence and power. Along the way I think I have learned that if I am to live in His presence I must continually praise Him. Openly without reservation. 

Many times we have reduced our communication with him to a single daily prayer time. We are intimidated by Paul’s instruction to “pray without ceasing.” We actually condemn ourselves (don’t do that). 

Jesus said, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will granted!” (John 15:7NLT). 

The more we read, or listen to the written word the more His vocabulary will become yours. You will find that even when you are not consciously praying, you will be speaking His word. He will sneak into every breath. 

Slowly all conversation, all thought will be filled with Him. Every conversation will become a prayer. In fact you will begin to live a prayer-full life. That is even better than having a prayer time. 

His word will crowd, choke out every negative or limiting thought. They will be replaced with God’s encouragement and hope. In a world that is so self-absorbed we can be absorbed into Him.  

Here’s a tip. Relentlessly read and reread the Psalms! You will be amazed! Don’t read it for intellectual knowledge but rather for insight. Let the Psalms pour over your heart. Let the words illuminate your soul. Slowly, daily, repeatedly let the prose and the poetry fill the empty places of your heart. 

Don’t be in a hurry, slow down hear the words coming out of your mouth. Let yourself escape out of this world into His Presence. Indulge yourself … go ahead it will not take long. 

You will move from having a prayer time to having a PRAYER – FULL LIFE! 

God is love! 

God is always present! 

God knows everything! 

God is merciful! 

God is faithful! 

God never changes! 

God is all powerful! 

Go ahead start shouting God is ___________________!